A solid 90. This is an excellent example of Atlantic Coast sparkling wine. In truth, and to the chagrin of those who wish nothing but failure upon the name of the producer for whichever reason seems appropriate for the week- this is great stuff. The nose is bright and alive with white fruits, while the attack on the palate is as refreshinf as it gets from the region. The mid-palate and finish are its strongest suits, and show well through, and throughout. Color me impressed.
A solid 90. This is an excellent example of Atlantic Coast sparkling wine. In truth, and to the chagrin of those who wish nothing but failure upon the name of the producer for whichever reason seems appropriate for the week- this is great stuff. The nose is bright and alive with white fruits, while the attack on the palate is as refreshinf as it gets from the region. The mid-palate and finish are its strongest suits, and show well through, and throughout. Color me impressed.
Feb 28th, 2021