Wow. This wine has my heart. Mineral driven with a flush of apples. Acidity is on check and dry just like I prefer. Maybe I was dying for a glass of wine but I really like this vino and at $15-$20 bucks it is an absolute steal. Buy it now. I'm not a fan of most wines from Spain but this is delicious. — 8 years ago
I'm a very happy girl sitting in my "treehouse" enjoying the most mellow of evenings, melting into this silky, soft, smooth operator, which will most certainly tuck me into bed after a 12 hour day. Sweet dreams Tempranillo! — 12 years ago
Holy Moly - was in a hurry to pick up a bottle at the beach and scored this for $20 and it was absolutely stunning: inky color, completely opaque w/outstanding complexity on nose: plums & cassis, smoke, dried herbs, scorched Earth, sweet spice like cinnamon, roasted coffee mingled w/mocha, pipe tobacco and so on. Just kept evolving. Thought this was all Tempranillo based on DO - although I’ve had some nice Garnacha from this region, but I swore there were Bordeaux varietals. After some research determined there is CS & M. Seamless, expansive, well-done + totally over delivers QPR. I’m going back to buy them out of stock. — 3 years ago
(17/20) Красивый, пряный аромат с нотами сливы, душистого перца и лаврового листа. Высокая кислотность и интенсивные танины. Ежевика, чернослив и специи во вкусе. Мощное, интересное вино. #fenavin2017 — 8 years ago
Un vino excelente y de facil adquisición. — 11 years ago
Este camino de Castilla, roble 2019 originario de Castilla y León es muy típico de un tempranillo. Muy morado. Ofrece olores a frutos rojos y negros. Torrefacto, avainillado. Es largo en boca y muy fresco. Con tono amaderado, frutas, moras, cerezas. Vino para pasar una tarde de verano. — 4 years ago
Like Vino Verde without bubbles. Crisp, refreshing, light, citrus, grapefruit, peaches, lemon. Opens well with a dry finish. Wonderful perfume. Great easy drinker. — 8 years ago
Dark fruit, firm but gentle tannins and pronounced minerality of hard stone and alluvial silt. Very impressive, modern and clean winemaking.
Otazu is one of just fifteen estates in all of Spain to be granted Vino de Pago status, one of only three in Navarra and the only one in Valdizarbe. — 10 years ago
Paula Tommasetta
Muy buen vino, suave. Excelente precio/calidad — 2 years ago