Sileni Estates

Sileni Estates

Exceptional Vintage Hawke's Bay Merlot 2013


The wine has both a black cherry and mocha-cake sweetness and the beastliness that is unique to Merlot.A black chocolate-like sweetness and bitterness swells in the mouth with a rich mouthfeel and a long aftertaste
— 5 years ago

Sileni Estates

The Straits Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc

Very similar to Vavasour. Enjoyed at Todd English's Olives at the Bellagio. — 8 years ago

Sileni Estates

Cellar Selection Nelson Riesling

Love the fruity flavour — 9 months ago

Johnson Estate

Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2018

Выпито 03.11.19 в Лофте с Гапоновым и Еленой Викторовной . Очень неплохой совиньон , хотя моим друзьям показался резковат. Им больше понравился привезённый с Минска Sileni. — 5 years ago

Sileni Estates

The Lodge Hawke's Bay Chardonnay 2014

복숭아 탄산 향긋하고 부드러운.. 첫 잔에 깜짝 놀랐음 오픈한 직후가 더 맛있었던듯 — 8 years ago

Sileni Estates

Sparkling Cuvée Brut White Blend

グレープフルーツのような爽やかな香り。夏にあう。 — 7 years ago

Sileni Estates

Cellar Selection Hawke's Bay Pinot Noir 2015

Sept 17, 2015. "Lost in Helsinki" Great atmosphere, nice wine! Just arrived Finland from US. Nice light bodied NZ Pinot. Smoky, nice tannins, smooth finish. — 8 years ago

Teri C
with Teri