Well worth the price of admission. Almost a slight toasted marshmallow scent on the nose and a roundhouse kick of dark blueberry and raspberry to welcome velvety tannins. This one is a keeper and has the body to age for many years to come. — 4 years ago
No question about it: when Aussies choose to make Shiraz right, there is nothing better that lands a roundhouse punch on my palate. Unlike some of those wimped-out, punching-bag, so-called Shirazs hustled by the mega OzWineCorps, this is big and intense without being over-tannic, has plenty of spicy raspberries, black cherries and balanced structure. $29.69 with Safeway’s six-bottle discount. — 10 years ago
Even without the celeb endorsement La Sorga’s “Chuck” is the best red pet nat ever. Extremely alive, it’s 100% Gamay, carbonated like a Topo Chico. Tiny bubbles and lots and lots of them.
Bone dry, it looks like berries then roundhouse kicks to minty moss and forest growth. — 5 years ago
despacio night one at the roundhouse. opening the booth rider with a little fun. does what it says on the tin. and well. dry and bubbly. — 9 years ago
'Roundhouse Red' — 10 years ago
Luke Kilcup
A hard vintage to find if you’re not on the list. Very excited to enjoy this at roundhouse in SV! — 4 years ago