Day 17 of our 24 day Amazon cruise. This is the only Pinot Noir I brought with me of the 24 wines I brought. Never tried before. Not a big Pinot fan. This was pleasant with our rack of lamb in the Prego restaurant on the Crystal Serenity. — 7 years ago
At Prego- smooth — 8 years ago
Just left Livorno Italy on Crystal Serenity. Eating in the Italian restaurant, Prego. Had the rack of lamb tonight and this wine was a delicious match. — 6 years ago
Day 24 of our 24 day Amazon cruise. Last bottle that I brought with me. Had the filet in Prego. — 7 years ago
Magnum. Grazie. Prego. — 8 years ago
Thats right, it's a two-post kind of day. It happens. Haven't had this wine in a while, but it all came back like it was yesterday. I met an old friend at D&D wine bar. She was 5mo prego and I had not told her of my mother's diagnosis, but yet despite our daily lives diverging, it was like I was home. That's what old friends, true friends feel like. Life and its' demands can be relentless. But you pick up where you left off. And somehow it feels just perfect. PS this Shafer is awesome just how it is - but could realize it's full potential under the right conditions — 9 years ago
Soft, exotic tastes and mouth feel. A wonderful, composite wine. One of my favorites since a night at the bar of Prego in San Francisco with the wine rep trying to sell this weird wine. He had my vote. And this bottle remains excellent after 16 years. — 7 years ago
Day 8 of our 24 day Amazon cruise. Ate at Prego, a speciality restaurant on the ship. Had Veal Marsala, probably not the best paring but enjoyable, and may have impacted my score. Should have had the tenderloin with this wine. — 7 years ago
With dinner at Prego in Rice Village; jam min'! — 8 years ago
Kylie Farinelli
This wine is one of my favourites — 4 years ago