Nom nom nom! Smells delicious, tastes delicious. Red redness and fruit fruitiness. Rich, dark, fruity dry. — 7 years ago
This is going down VERY easily. For the pricetag I would expect nothing less. It has such wonderful flavour, is robust and honestly, not a wine I want to share... It's all mine, nom 🙂 — 2 years ago
Really exceptional balance and fruit. Lovely finish. — 4 years ago
Color : White
Wine estate : Louis Bovard
Designation : Lavaux
Name : Salix - Chenin Blanc
Country : Switzerland
Vivino : 4.5/5
Note : Louis Bovard makes bio-dynamic culture and has introduced in the Lavaux new grape varieties such as Chenin Blanc. The name of Salix comes from the Latin word meaning the willow, with which one braided the branches to make baskets of vintage. A golden yellow straw robe with a nose of citrus, pineapple and mineral. Once in the mouth, the explosion of flavor with a nice acidity and a taste of citrus and apple. The final is excellent, it remains in the mouth and perfectly accompanied a fish.
Louis Bovard fait de la culture bio-dynamique et a introduit dans le Lavaux des nouveaux cépages comme ce Chenin Blanc. Le nom de Salix vient du terme latin signifiant le saule, avec lequel on tressait les branches pour faire des paniers de vendange. Une robe dorée jaune paille avec un nez d’agrumes, ananas et minéral. Une fois en bouche, l’explosion de saveur avec une belle acidité et un goût d’agrumes et de pomme. Le final est excellent, il reste bien en bouche et accompagné parfaitement un poisson.
👍🏻Vivino, FB : GabWine | IG : gabriel_dvl 🥂 — 7 years ago
Accent on Wines — 2 years ago
Earth, sweet cherries, dash of herbs and baking spice. Not a bad wine, drink now. — 5 years ago
A delicious wine to accompany our light veggie meal in Nantes, France. Delightfully fizzy. Dark cherry colored wine, dark berries & woodsy musk on the nose...with a bit of salt. Medium bodied, dry, fruity, mineral. — 7 years ago
Nom. Drink now! — 7 years ago
Peter van den Besselaar
Vintage 2021 | 85 Malbec 15 Merlot Biodynamique | terroir argilo-calcaire kimméridgien, sidérolithique | Emmanuel Ribinsky made a wine with a sumptuous mouthfeel, Paired with one of our favorite dishes Cantonese style Beef with mango — 8 months ago