Deep caramel, toasty edges, lemon sorbet. This is a complete dream, how on earth is it less than 20 quid? Assume the producer is in the midst of remortgaging their property so buy now before the whole enterprise collapses.... — 2 years ago
Lemon and melon characteristics. — 3 years ago
Aged on the nose balanced as classic riesling on palate, long finish — 7 years ago
Smooth Shiraz — 6 months ago
Dark red with blackish purple core. Big abundant nose of leathery black plum. Aussie smooth, full palate yields all of that leather surrounding baked black plum, blackberry compote, and molasses. The molasses sensation is tempered by medium tannins that assert from mid palate and medium lowish acidity. Classic Aussie Syrah with a bit more structure than the old school style. Pepper and coffee crusted beef roast or any other rubbed cut will pair nicely. Drink now through 2026 — a year ago
Given to T and D by the vineyard owner who bought the enterprise. Delicious and auspicious. — 3 years ago
Enterprise Connect dinner with Nice - Christine Matthey, Devan, Kyle Woytek, — a year ago
Interesting enterprise to taste a 12 year old #napa #cabernetsauvignon in the value segment of the market likely around $15 - $20 at release. Cork was well soaked and wine tastes of age, but not tired at all. In fact after a day in the fridge it seems to have gained some vim. Typical bramble fruit set on top of stewed plums. Palate is a bit earthier, less fruit-forward - plenty of acidity, chocolate and coffee notes mid-palate and still sturdy tannins on the finish. It must have been stored well at the retailer. — 2 years ago
Bambu Restaurant. Bali!! — 7 years ago
Knappstein Sparkling Shiraz NB
Clare Valley, Australia
Deep purple color.
Aromas of blackberry, floral.
Dry. Flavors of blackberry, blueberry, violet, mineral undertone.
Intensity: 4/5
Complexity: 2/5
Balance: 4/5
Finish: 4/5 — 5 months ago