Freigeist Bierkultur

Gasthaus-Brauerei Braustelle

Freigeist Salzspeicher Sour Porter Cherry

A smattering of tan spots, like Queen Anne’s lace, appear, then slip into the murk. An alar Geist remains, like a smeared mirror. Dried cherries and black currants with ripe huckleberry, dried fig,
cherry tobacco and a touch of licorice, coffee and peeled poppy. Bitter chocolate and dried bing cherries tear an astral hole of arabic in the thick spring veil of dried violets and cloves with a decidedly burnt edge to the currant. Valerian tendencies abound. Dark ghosts that scribble runes through carbon paper.
— 6 years ago

Severn, Will and 1 other liked this
Severn Goodwin

Severn Goodwin Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Love the stuff these guys brew!

Stillwater Artisanal Ales


well, it's not only my favorite style of brew (gose) other than lambic ... But probably the top pick in the category (even as compared to #freigeist ) ... "Only the best!" ---- #crushable ---- also, it's Stillwater Artisinal not Crazy Mountain for the expert reviewers — 9 years ago

Jim liked this

Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales

Oro de Calabaza Artisan Golden Ale

This is reminiscent of the Freigeist Berliner-Weiss without the glut glug x-factor. It's delicious, refreshing and hits the spot on a balmy day no doubt. — 10 years ago

Sebastian Sauer

Freigeist Grape Wine with Hops

I don’t like hoppy beers. So when I saw this I wasn’t sure I would like wine with hops. Well...I was pleasantly surprised! Very unique taste and I LOVED it!! — 7 years ago

Gasthaus-Brauerei Braustelle

Freigeist Geisterzug Rhubarb Gose

Not a sour as I'd expect from a Guze but still enjoyable. — 9 years ago

Freigeist Bierkultur

Miss California IPA

Cali girls get loose on all the hops...therefore so must I — 10 years ago

James liked this

Fort Point Beer Co.

Freigeist Charred Manzanita Ale

I love this Freigeist Charred Manzanita Ale from Fort Point. — 8 years ago

Vormann Brauerei

Freigeist Abraxxxas Apple Lichtenhainer

Undoubtedly the best beer I've had this year. Incredible! — 9 years ago

Gasthaus-Brauerei Braustelle

Freigeist Hoppeditz Doppelsticke Alt

I usually don't put beers on here, but GOTTDAMN. — 10 years ago

Erin liked this

Gasthaus-Brauerei Braustelle

Freigeist Köpenickiade Berliner Style Weisse

I just bumped it up to a 10 ... Lemony but not a lemon drop. I could drink a growler of this gem! "glug glug glug"....truly. — 10 years ago