Пепел и табак, и в аромате, и во вкусе. Аромат дополняется печеной в костре картошкой, такой, до угольков. После выходит слива, ежевика. Нетельное, танинов немного.Очень неплохо в моем восприятии. Прямо вспомнил сезон сбора картошки и огромные костры из сухой ботвы 🔥 — 6 years ago
Just under a 9.0 because Zweigelt is not my favorite varietal. That said, this is the best of many Zweigelts in the CHF 20 price range that I have tried. Nice depth compared to many others. Kind of like, when in Austria, I would totally order this wine at a restaurant! — 4 years ago
Noh! Muito equilibrado. Cor linda. Pouco álcool, tanto no cheiro quanto no gosto. Tem um amadeirado delicioso, frutado e pouco adstringente. Melhorou de um dia pro outro. Pode ser que respirar ajudou esse vinho novo. — 5 years ago
After some time in bottle this wine is much better. It has become amasing Russian sparking made in traditional way. 24 month on the lees in the bottle. Mostly Chardonnay. Very light and elegant sparking...
This wine got a style. Fresh, mineral with notes of red apple, ripe lemon and white peach. Strong acidity and smooth bubbles.
Anyway, this wine is one of the best traditional sparking in Russia. If you have a chance do not miss it to try this. — 7 years ago
Muito bom esse vinho — 5 years ago
Magnum 2017 - chf 126.— mit Bidi Xävi und Ritzinger - skiweekend — 5 years ago
Crisp, Dry, Acidic while being able to taste the terroir! Love it. — 6 years ago
Esse vinho foi saboreado em momentos mágicos e revelaram o prazer da experiência e a celebração da vida - complexa, elegante e única; precioso céu aqui na Terra. — 7 years ago
Marcia Costa De Sant Anna
Esse branco com uvas pecorino e 14% de álcool da região italiana do Marche. Possui corpo vibrante e mistura as notas cítricas com florais. Delicioso e com personalidade! — 4 years ago