Nose is flinty, burned popcorn, oak, butterscotch, Werther's original, burnt wood, but on the palate it is confusingly crisp when compare with the nose. Impressions of Toaster leavings and caramel. — 8 years ago
An Elke-based wine, from when she and he partnered out of her winery. Dusty and faint grape jolly rancher in the glass. Boysenberry, slightly pine-y, and wet stone on the nose. Sour cherry, stem, mossy, and touch of leather on the palate. A layer of smoke and pear on the finish. Deliciously rustic, with nice subtleties. Opens up over 2 days nicely (opened in Dec 2019). The best kind of "garage wine', right here. — 5 years ago
troebel en stallig. fris en zoet. fruit. met elke slok sappiger — 8 years ago
Very smooth and light. Perfect with seafood and pasta. Enjoyed 2014 vintage in nov 2016 — 8 years ago
Lemon curd and baked apples. The acid is keeping this surprisingly youthful for 8yrs old. I nice little chard for creamy dishes. — 7 years ago
The pale-colored 2014 Rosé Elke Home Ranch, 100% whole-cluster Pinot Noir, is an absolutely delicious wine to drink now and over the next few years. Bright, perfumed and silky on the palate, the 2014 offers up plenty of bright cranberry and raspberry notes in an appealing crisp, bone-dry style. (AG)
— 8 years ago
A farmer turned producer. Mary grew grapes for many of the big names before starting her own tiny little label. I keep thinking this 07 will be ready to drink but it continues to improve. Not even close to peak yet. The 94 overall rating on delectable says it all. Great pinot. — 9 years ago
David meijer
Ja, dit hebben we niet elke dag. We starten bij 12gr en dat is al gweldig. Cassis en kreupelhout geuren het glas uit. Tabakkig, zwarte bessen, zwarte kersen, kokos (?), leuke lik vanille, melkchoco. Perfecte ondersteuning van tannines en zuren. Blijft lang hangen met nog wat inkt en menthol helemaal op het einde. Supér! — 4 years ago