
Covenant Wines

Mensch Zinfandel 2018

Covenant Wines - 2018 “Mensch” Lodi Zinfandel

Surprisingly tame for Lodi Zinfandel, also surprisingly good for Mevushal wine (fruit was processed by Flash Détente).

Have been wanting to try the wines of Covenant for a while, grabbed at WF to try during Bay Area Lock Down.
— 5 years ago

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Landron Chartier

Esprit Détente Coteaux d'Ancenis Gamay

My new house wine. Easy and fun. — 9 years ago



A wine venture between friends is the perfect bottle for a game night with friends! — 11 years ago

William, Ted and 5 others liked this
Rick Alvarado

Rick Alvarado

Is that Hot Karl's hand on the label?