Very sweet! — 12 years ago
So sweet and delicious. Perfect for dessert or any time of day for that matter! — 12 years ago
Confectioner's sugar, cotton candy--not in sweetness. Love this. — 7 years ago
Quicksilver color kissed by lime. Attractive, assertive aromas of sugared key lime blossom, confectioner's sugar, marzipan and mandarin pith. Pretty unfolds on the palate, with plenty of peach and honeysuckle mashup. A nuttiness enchants, too, and the wine is long, always nice with such pert acidity along for the ride. Merci 😘 — 10 years ago
Chris Grimm
Beguiling is the word that comes to mind here. Notes of confectioner's sugar and lemon. — 6 years ago