Omg, love it! Stone fruit, bright minerality. Long and satisfying finish. — 5 years ago
Merlot, not colombard — 6 years ago
Everywhere I turn Armagnac seems to be a hot topic. This might say more about those with whom I mix than anything else. Nevertheless it does seem that Armagnac is becoming a thing.
I was inspired to taste this particular bottle following Jason Wilson's glowing review in the extraordinary and comprehensive coverage of the Armagnac in Vinous those week. It did not disappoint.
Endlessly complex, intense, cerebral almost. This is the most nuanced spirit I've tasted. A gem. No wonder this category of brandy is becoming hot stuff. I don't even the most celebrated of whisky (or whiskey) is capable of such heights. — 7 years ago
Guy Des Rosiers
Intense notes of prune, warm spices and caramel upfront, balanced out by solid acidity, more delicate notes of fresh apple on the mid-palate, and deeper, more distant echoes of old wood on the finish. Beautifully complex. — 2 years ago