Yes bunny. — 7 years ago
Quite nice Hungarian red — 4 years ago
Poured for WSET Diploma students. Yum!!! — 6 years ago
What a surprise! Picked a random Hungarian red and this one was fantastic. Not too dry, not too sweet, not to heavy...just right. Little bit of fruit, little bit of earth, great balance. — 8 years ago
Fresh strawberries and cherries. Very good value. Decent length — 6 years ago
Enjoyed at the Tasting Table in Budapest and had sent home. — 6 years ago
Juhasz Peter Pinceszet Egri Bikaver Superior 2009 — 9 years ago
Interesting and unusual Hungarian wine
Nose: black fruit and a note of flowers (rose?), Some spices
Palate: great structure and complexity (full bodied), great acidity and tannic grip, full bodied yet still delicate
(Bottle apostle - tasting - 25/6/2016) — 9 years ago
Andrew Cullimore
Pretty deep amber , yellow rim . Deep caramel , touch of honey and marmalade, touch of orange rind . On the palate , quite deep caramel , sweet spiced tea , marmalade again . Very high acidity and pretty sweet and intense . Not bad length , a bit rustic but commendable . Drink now and over the next 10 years . — 2 years ago