Notes of cherry, wood, dark chocolate. Exceptional wine the 1973 — 9 years ago
Nicely rich with hits of honey, orange, but slightly acidic at the finish — 10 years ago
This 1971 was in good shape filled to the neck, the cork split which is expected, and lots of sediment present. However color was light almost fragile as well as the initiate taste. I thought it may have been dead, but after 5h of decanting, the color turned into a rich dark red and quality has significantly improved. Some tannin present, a slight sweetness, wood, and something special that I can't quite figure out. — 10 years ago
Walter Urquiaga
A rather underwhelming bottle the 2007 acidity wasn't quite balanced and over powered the sweetness a bit. However there was notes of honey and apricot. — 9 years ago