Almost a salty aftertaste? But absolutely light and incredibly drinkable. — 4 years ago
Good moderate Cabernet Sauvignon. Somewhat dry and tannic, a little smoky. I was surprised by how much I liked it. It was a good steady flavor that has a lot of versatility for cooking or pairing. — 6 years ago
Sarah had this 2 years ago
Sarah had this 5 years ago
A good stock wine. Nothing fancy. A little dry but not overly so. Nothing stands out but nothing detracts, either. Somewhat better on its own than with food, IMO. — 5 years ago
I found it to be a fairly sweet, not dry, Cabernet Sauvignon. I kind of expected that but still... It was definitely drinkable but not what I would drink with, say, steak & potatoes. Would probably be better with pastas or by itself. — 6 years ago
Sarah had this 2 years ago
Sarah had this 5 years ago
Average. For the price and availability, it is worth buying for a meal where you aren’t sure if the people are wine people and need a good, inoffensive white to serve or gift. — 5 years ago
Sarah Blomfield
Sarah had this a year ago