I really loved this but it could just be because this is one of the rare times I did not brush my teeth before coming over to Hillary’s so the wine tasted better — 2 years ago
Hillary said too light. I think it has a weird aftertaste. Not for us. Also gave us bad dreams. — 2 years ago
Definitely a good sauvy b. Hillary and I made Mac and trees tonight as well — 2 years ago
Really good red wine, really drinkable. Hillary and I had it on Valentine’s Day. I got her mentos and she gave me the leftover pepperoncini peppers from her Panera salad. 9.5/10 — 2 years ago
I feel like I was t really feeling wine tonight, but I enjoyed this nonetheless. Hillary doesn’t like the label — 2 years ago
I could drink a whole bottle of thus — 3 years ago
Too sweet tbh. Hillary is getting stuff with Kristy for our new apartment (yep, we moved in together!) and I opened this up while I was unpacking — 2 years ago
Yeah loved it and it’s pretty cheap. Hillary and I got it from Trader Joe’s. We went with her brother and his girlfriend and had a great time. Their aisles were a little cramped, but that’s just Trader Joe’s. We also got gyoza. — 2 years ago
Good sauv blanc from Costco and Hillary liked it too — 2 years ago
McCue Enright
Great sauvy b. Another Trader Joe’s buy. I go there sometimes cause my therapists office is right across from one. I like to pop in to get Hillary and I snacks and some wine. — 2 years ago