Wonderful aromas from this, and very strong nodes of spices, herbs, cassis, and cedar. Slight tannins, and a dryness that builds over the course of a glass. Also discovered a youthful strawberry profile nearing the end of my glass, and that was delicious. Overall very good! — 9 years ago
Good amounts of red fruit and a very nice aroma. Good, but not great, although certainly better than many others. — 9 years ago
Aroma: New carpet smell, broken hockey puck (rubber/tar), pepper, very slight white flower, glimpse of honey. Taste: A ton of pepper and spice, a hint of cherry. Imbalance. Very high acidity. Alcohol flavor, thin mouthfeel, very low tannins, a hint of earth. Would not recommend, but interesting. Did not drink with food, so maybe it needs an adequate food pairing? — 8 years ago
Very good, especially for the price. — 9 years ago
Surprisingly good. Nothing crazy, but I would absolutely get this again. Would recommend. Quite nice. Dark fruits, slightly dry, good balance. Yum. — 9 years ago
This wine was a bit of a fruitbomb — tons of blueberry and what seemed to be a small touch of cocoa after having sat out for a few hours. Very round, a great mouthfeel, and a perfect amount of sweetness without being overly so. — 8 years ago
I really like this wine for the price. Very nice. — 9 years ago
Good wine, but not great. Would recommend because the price range. Flavor very nice: raspberries, low tannins, deep red/purple hue. Also, if Dave Matthews fan, must try! ;) Dave is king. — 9 years ago
John Zimmerman
Awesome wine. Needs more time. Classic Bordeaux style. — 8 years ago