Mild, slightly citrusy with a solid foundation of leather and chalk-tinged berries and vanilla. A fast unwind and reset after a hectic evening of cooking. — 7 years ago
Dark chocolate aroma. Pleasant acidity with citrus and berry notes. Weak finish. Solid table wine. — 8 years ago
Strong fruity aroma. Vibrant taste with a tinge of cloves and a musky undertone. Not much to the finish. Paired well with manchego and a revenge movie. — 8 years ago
Berries and earth, light vanilla nose, almonds later, warm woody finish. Paired with cod and yellow rice. — 6 years ago
Bright and fruity aroma with vanilla and smooth tannins in the first taste. Slight slickness lingers, but no strong finish. Paired well with carbonara. — 7 years ago
Vacant nose. Strong forward spicy feel with a mellower sweet/earthy back. Smoky after, but fades fast. Good with pasta primavera. — 8 years ago
Starts with a whiff of astringent fruitiness, quickly spreading and mellowing to a mossy, creamy body. Little lingers. — 6 years ago
Effervescent, clean and balanced. No strength of flavor, even if pinot noir in the blend. Paired well with tomato sauce. — 7 years ago
Faint aroma. Clean, refreshing feel. Sweet berry and orange peel in the mouth. Soft finish. Good table wine. Not memorable. — 8 years ago
John Morse
Very dry with oak aroma and bright cherry notes in the middle, finishes clean. — 5 years ago