Absolutely delightful. Cold crisp and refreshing. Dry with a nice tart note behind. Just the ticket of a Friday evening in the city! — 8 years ago
Jay had this 5 years ago
Just an excellent bottle- strong enough to be noticed with our steaks, but very smooth with a good (but not overpowering) finish. — 7 years ago
Nice- fruity (apricots, maybe some raspberry?). Definitely not heavy and a much better bottle than the last Viognier I had... — 8 years ago
Jay had this 5 years ago
I may not know art, but I know what I like. A better than typical CA cab fruit bomb up front, smooth at the back. It is remarkably consistent from bottle to bottle and one of my personal favorites. Jordan does a great cab. — 8 years ago
Jay had this 8 years ago
Jay had this 8 years ago
Jay Williams
Amazing... — 5 years ago