Great wine — 9 years ago
Short, tasty, sweet — 9 years ago
Medium orange ring, soft feel on mouth, earthy/mushroom, please fly refreshing but lacks in middle palate. — 9 years ago
Moderately sweet Riesling, smooth on tongue and refreshing , low acidity
Classic Riesling smell, pear-like — 9 years ago
Probably the best wine I have ever had. Burgundy's have always been my favorite, but the complexities and age of this wine was fantastic. It was a wine that started off subtle and grew overtime leaving the mouth with complete awe of brilliance. Fairly long taste with an increasing complexity of flavor. Very mushroomy indicative of vegetal decay. Brilliant smell of a Burgundy. — 9 years ago
Color: Limpid, fully mature, hint of orange. Smell: Earth, mushrooms, volatile acid. Taste: Wonderful mouth feel, but not greater complexity. Sensual, earthy/clay — 9 years ago
Very good Pinot noir. Fruity, sweet, smooth, long, excelent — 9 years ago
Spice was overwhelming. Tasted too fake. Will not buy again. — 9 years ago
Javier Jimenez
Smell of molasses and brandy, aftertaste of peach. A quiet wine, but flavors are upfront. Soft and silky feel. — 8 years ago