Should have been decanted, but had amazing taste, a little dry — 8 years ago
Not terrible, that's the best I can do, dry and peppery for a California cab, maybe it needs to sit a few years. — 8 years ago
Solid bottle, little dry but in a perfect way for a gray cool night — 7 years ago
Eh, thin and watery flavor upfront but nothing on the back really leaves much to be desired. — 8 years ago
What more could you want in a cab? One of my favorite wineries and an excellent vintage. Well worth the money to add a few bottles to your collection. — 8 years ago
Great table wine. Finish is rich cherry — 7 years ago
Not terrible, was better decanted, very fruity. — 8 years ago
Light and smooth, berry finish, excellent northern cal cab for 20$ — 8 years ago
I let this Malbec sit. And it paid off in spades, if your not one for a peppery Malbec this is your bottle. Smooth, fruity, with a complex Tatar that makes you want to guzzle not sip this wonderful wine. — 8 years ago
Jason Burns
Great for after a hot day, lots of earth tones. — 7 years ago