Smooth. Not much tannin front. Subtle cassis, more tannin on the finish, this is a sub $18 wine for a half bottle. Anything over $20 is mot worth it for the half. — 6 years ago
Solid Pinot. If you can get it for under $20 it is worth it. Skme berry notes, a bit of tobacco, a bit of a bitter finish. — 7 years ago
Very smooth, but overall Spring Mountain doesn’t do it for me. The notes were subdued, but nothing really special from any other $50 napa Cab from 2015. — 3 years ago
For a sub-$15 wine this is a solid Reisling — 6 years ago
Solid, smooth, some cassis on the front, some tannin on the end. This drinks like a higher end Columbia Crest H3. — 6 years ago
A ~$40 bottle that drinks like an $80 bottle. Good structure, with a solid oak and cassis finish. This is what cab is supposed to taste like. — 7 years ago
Wow solid, silky smooth, a slightly sweet finish, mild acidity. This drinks right at it’s $40 price point. This matches a solid cab at that price point any day. If you paid more than $40 for this, you paid too much. — 6 years ago
A bit young, but at $18 this is a steal. This drinks like a $40 bottle. If I had to guess I would say this is a Goosecross or Stephanie cab. Lay it down for a year at least. This drinks well between 2019 and 2021. — 6 years ago
Some tannins, some vanilla and berries on the nose, overall not my tupe of pinot. Finish is too rough. I can tell they tried to make this like a Cab. This is a sub $20 bottle to me. — 7 years ago
Jamelle Legaspi
I normally stay far away from Kendall Jackson, but wow this is a stellar showing. A bit of licorice on the nose, dark berries and cassis then come with moderate tannins, and a solid finish with a bit of leather and a hint of spice. The 2017 can be laid down for another 5 years and show some exceptional age. — 2 years ago