Coarse, hard to drink. Not at all on a par with other wineries from the same region. — 6 years ago
Very fresh, light and citric. Better enjoyed chilled! — 6 years ago
Another very young Barbaresco, punchy and acidic, yet more pleasant than other offerings during the same tasting session. — 6 years ago
Unfiltered. The accumulation of tiny particles on the fringes of the poured wine was, at first, the most noticeable aspect. Not very troblesome, even though it spoiled a bit the overall appeal of the dark ruby color. Overall, balanced and elegant. — 5 years ago
Outstanding. Deep ruby, dark chocolat, tobacco, melted caramel. Round, balanced, elegant. Experts apparently say it should wait a little longer to be properly enjoyed... I’m happy with the explosion of aroma and flavor it already offers! — 6 years ago
Very sweet nose, light as a feather on the palate. Very delicate, elegant and discreet. Leather, dark chocolate, salted caramel on the nose. — 6 years ago
Markedly citric nose, with notes of orange, lemon and cinnamon. A little aggressive on the palate, with a somewhat coarse, unpleasant finish. Beautiful dark robe, but very little viscosity. — 5 years ago
Warm ruby, cherry and tobacco notes, round and solid. Velvety, with a long finish. Beautiful accompanying a Tuscan tagliatta in Montalcino, the hometown of Brunello! — 6 years ago
Superb white from Antinori. Citric, with a complex bouquet of flowers, lemon and caramel. Structured, round and velvety. Produced not far from Orvietto, which makes me think of the souls raised to heaven in the Luca Signorelli frescos at the Duomo. — 6 years ago
Gustavo Nogueira
Nice and round. Good pairing with tagliatelle and trufles. — 5 years ago