This wine is eating berries from my mothers garden while barefoot on the gravel driveway (ouch) after a summer rain aka: my teenage years. This wine gives me the Sofia Coppola the best, hazy summer way. #fuckyeahfrappato — 8 years ago
I'd like to bathe in this a la Marilyn Monroe. — 8 years ago
#chablisian but just barely, way softer than anticipated but super delicious regardless. — 8 years ago
When you're debating Chilean or New Zealand Pinot Noir buck the basic hipster trend and go with Spanish Trousseau. light & tight with mad aromatics and the perfect red wine for fish & salads. — 8 years ago
Etna Rosso for the summer red winner! — 8 years ago
Fuck yeah with spicy steak tacos. — 8 years ago
So much going on, so hard to explain, just shut up and drink it, you know you like it. — 8 years ago
Bottles like this are why I love my boss. #butwhatAREyou? Deliciously weird, Corsican field blend @500ml. — 8 years ago
I have a bottle of this hidden from the other somms until the end of the season when I intend to share it but no one is selling our last bottle, goddamnit! — 8 years ago
Emily Graney-McKinley
Blood soaked strawberries...weird but even after 90 minutes that was my overpowering takeaway from this bottle. Good but scary funky, but good. A learning experience to be sure. — 8 years ago