Fairly basic but great value for the price. Decent fruit and weight. — 9 years ago
Very gluggable. Give it plenty of air. — 9 years ago
Beautiful colour, lovely lush, smelly nose. Structure aplenty and brambley fruit amongst the thorns. Lip smacking, wonderful texture and length. This is a Beaujolais to convert your friends with. — 9 years ago
Dry indeed but textural and interesting, a cut above your average Aussie rosé. — 8 years ago
Still has decent weight, fruit has faded slightly, balance is good. Mellow, easy drinking, decent value for price. — 9 years ago
Underlying structure and fruit body are sound but found the alcohol and acid a bit harsh on the palate. Not as smooth as I'd expect for a wine 5 years in bottle. — 9 years ago
Surprisingly good for the price and commercial producer. Good weight of fruit, nice nose, balance and flavour. Worth trying. — 8 years ago
Well rounded, slightly gamey, good fruit intensity. A few years could see some real improvement. — 9 years ago
Fairly lean, not one I'd go back to. — 9 years ago
Brendan Perrett
Well rounded, flavoursome, balanced. This is good wine at a great price. — 8 years ago