It's a white wine. Hooray? 6/10 — 11 years ago
My roommates rip on me for enjoying PBR; this, however, might actually be fermented urine in a bottle. Any cheaper and it'd develop daddy issues. 2/10. #patrickswine — 11 years ago
Solid taste through and through, enjoyable with the pasta dinner amongst all the other broke kids on this retreat 7/10 — 12 years ago
Adam had this 11 years ago
Phenomenal Shiraz, hit at the party. 9/10 — 11 years ago
Enjoyable. My roommate enjoys pretending he's cultured after being abroad for a year, and this was his recommendation. Not bad, but didn't disprove the theory he just drank for a year straight. 7.5/10 — 11 years ago
One of my favorites. 9/10 — 11 years ago
Nice, full flavor, cherry taste present. Dry, but too easy to see as an, "ah, well, now that it's open I *have* to finish it..." wine. 8/10 — 11 years ago
Adam Garrison
One of my favorites — 11 years ago