Almost sour taste. Smells of Honey and lemon A lemon cough drop seems spot on.
Colin Cahoon
Lemon and honeysuckle nose. Lots of sugar on the palate with light acid in the finish.
David Hidinger
Great wine. Had with Carbonara and some buttered bread. Great pairing. Not too sweet, good on the nose and solid counter to the garlic in the sauce.
Connie Stackhouse
Way too sweet
rachel rodriguez
This was very nice, not too sweet
Forrest Marler
Excellent sweet Riesling. Not quite a dessert wine but will do until one is found.
Lou Gardner
Love the taste
A. Wiltgen
Very sweet Riesling. More of a dessert wine
Matt McBride
Matt had this 7 years ago
Tim Eusterman
Tim had this 8 years ago