James Dale
Dry honeysuckle. No sugar.
Michael Eighmey
VP Sales Anthony Road Wine Company
Voted Best in Class at the 2015 Finger Lakes Wine Symposium
Alina Ferguson
#flxwine nice acidity, lemon and minerality. pairs well with tacos.
Konrad Ziegler
When they say dry, they mean dry. Slightest petrol hint
Steven Schwartz
Great value. Very light a bit thin for a Chardonnay but delightful for a summer day.
Steph Lewis
Relatively dry for area rieslings (label says extreme dry on their chart), but a hint of sweetness lingers. (Tried with mac&cheese at Beecher's)
Scott Hopkins
Adrienne Rosenbauer
Nice acidity
Richard Urciuoli
Richard had this 7 months ago
Nick M
Nick had this 3 years ago