Jeff Burrows
Wow, wine is super expensive in Brazil. 1/2 bottle for $20 US, i'd expect to pay $10 for a full bottle of wine like this.
Nasz Swiat Win
Typował Cabernet Sauvignon. Papper and good tannins
Lineu Paula
Yassun Igachandrian
R: solid, firm. Deep purple. N: cassis. Coffee, coal tar. B: acid and tannin, Heady.
Denyce Wingert
Bought from wine styles after a wine tasting with Sue & Ellen
Tim Gilbertson
At Everette's on sale 8 dollars
Elton Pupo Nogueira
Elton had this 7 years ago
Jojo Ong
Jojo had this 9 years ago
Masuo Kato
Masuo had this 9 years ago