Vignerons de la Cave de Bel-Air

Chez Denise A La Tour de Montlhéry Brouilly Gamay

8.14 ratings
-no pro ratings
Brouilly, Beaujolais, Burgundy, France
Chicken, Game, Turkey, Duck, Goose
Top Notes For
Sean Smith

Very cool classic bistro, unfortunately this is the only (table) wine available. On the plus side, you only pay for what you drink...that did not stop me from drinking 500ml though. Paris is allowed one miss...they get much better from here.

Very cool classic bistro, unfortunately this is the only (table) wine available. On the plus side, you only pay for what you drink...that did not stop me from drinking 500ml though. Paris is allowed one miss...they get much better from here.

May 2nd, 2016
Hisato Hamada

With Nicolas, Valery et Jun.

With Nicolas, Valery et Jun.

Jan 21st, 2013
Bruce Evans

Bruce had this 9 years ago

Bruce had this 9 years ago

Oct 16th, 2015
Bruce Evans

Bruce had this 10 years ago

Bruce had this 10 years ago

Sep 2nd, 2014