This is specially made pink urine in a fancy (actually well designed bottle) packaging to trick the trixies and trents into drinking the “specially selected house wine just for Hampton social.” Avoid at all costs. The immense hangover from a mere three glass fills worth from a generous barkeep shall render you defenseless and unable to sieze the day. Your wife and cat and dog will petition you get out of the featherbed, but the dichotomization of your skull will only cause you to mutter “leave me alone and let me die with a sweet blood clotting aneurysm.” You might even tell loved ones to go fuck themselves. This will cost you two days in the dog house. Again, Avoid at all costs.
This is specially made pink urine in a fancy (actually well designed bottle) packaging to trick the trixies and trents into drinking the “specially selected house wine just for Hampton social.” Avoid at all costs. The immense hangover from a mere three glass fills worth from a generous barkeep shall render you defenseless and unable to sieze the day. Your wife and cat and dog will petition you get out of the featherbed, but the dichotomization of your skull will only cause you to mutter “leave me alone and let me die with a sweet blood clotting aneurysm.” You might even tell loved ones to go fuck themselves. This will cost you two days in the dog house. Again, Avoid at all costs.
Apr 11th, 2018