Trying again. Rubies in the glass. Smells like rocks and red berries in the sun. Flavors are zingy and clean. Some chewy and strange flavors in the mix. Still a great bottle at a great price.
Trying again. Rubies in the glass. Smells like rocks and red berries in the sun. Flavors are zingy and clean. Some chewy and strange flavors in the mix. Still a great bottle at a great price.
Jan 15th, 2023
Deep red brick color. Smells just a hint like some fruity vinegar. Flavors are complex and zippy. Juicy. A tad more going on than the Viano private stock Zin. Classic Contra Costa County old vine Zin.
Deep red brick color. Smells just a hint like some fruity vinegar. Flavors are complex and zippy. Juicy. A tad more going on than the Viano private stock Zin. Classic Contra Costa County old vine Zin.
Jan 13th, 2022