
Mendoza Cabernet Sauvignon

8.739 ratings
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Mendoza, Cuyo, Argentina
Cabernet Sauvignon
Top Notes For
Gordon Ham

Good wine, some years are much better than others on the whole a good solid wine for the price.

Good wine, some years are much better than others on the whole a good solid wine for the price.

Apr 7th, 2015
Michelle Rivard

Moraccan dinner at CKs with Katie Pete and Cameron

Moraccan dinner at CKs with Katie Pete and Cameron

Mar 23rd, 2015
Marc Garneau

un bon exemple de vin qui doit respirer. Au début corsé acre, mais toute la subtilité se développe en respirant pour se rapprocher du Seco. Très bon!

un bon exemple de vin qui doit respirer. Au début corsé acre, mais toute la subtilité se développe en respirant pour se rapprocher du Seco. Très bon!

Dec 5th, 2014
Mark Silverman

5.99 with coupon. Can't complain, balanced & smooth. Very simple, not much flavor notes.

5.99 with coupon. Can't complain, balanced & smooth. Very simple, not much flavor notes.

Nov 17th, 2014
Arthur Ruiz

Great wine for the value

Great wine for the value

Dec 15th, 2014
Joyce Nyathi

Joyce had this 9 years ago

Joyce had this 9 years ago

Oct 24th, 2015
Elizabeth Costa

Elizabeth had this 9 years ago

Elizabeth had this 9 years ago

Oct 14th, 2015
Rodney Villavicencio

Rodney had this 9 years ago

Rodney had this 9 years ago

Aug 19th, 2015
Renata Papini

Renata had this 9 years ago

Renata had this 9 years ago

Jun 27th, 2015
Drew Stanley

Drew had this 10 years ago

Drew had this 10 years ago

Mar 31st, 2015