Three Dog Vineyards
Santa Cruz Mountains Cabernet Sauvignon

I've had some time to think about this post...whether or not to do it. However, when I found this wine at K&L it became clear to me or destiny that I should. Also, given where the winery is located made it all the more perfect. You see, we had to do the humane thing recently with our dog "Bucky." Sadly, when we were out of the country. Now if that seems odd, it was to us too! Bucky was getting old (14). When they get to that age, you just don't know how the progression will go. We went to the vet twice within a month & half prior to our three week trip that was planned long ago. We explained to our vet the circumstances and our wishes to be there for him. Twice, our vet told us it wasn't time. With that information in our mind, we boarded our dog with the vet thinking he would be there when we got back. Well...things don't always go as planned. Three days into our trip we had a message from our vet there was a problem. I can't begin to tell you how crushing it was to get a message of that nature. When we called back, they told us it was time. It's still surreal to me. How could we have tried so hard to make the right decision as a family and have it go that wrong? The only saving grace was we asked Bucky's Stepmom to go and be with him. Cathy took care of Bucky every time we went away for nearly his whole life. Sometimes weeks at a time. She drove to be with him. So, when I saw this wine "Three Dogs Vineyard, it was clear to me to dedicate a post to Bucky. You see we have no children. He was our child and made us a family. Bucky also had three personalities; Bucky the sweetest dog you'll ever want to meet, Bucky with mild criminal instincts and Bucky the total hound. That's why "Three Dog Vineyard" makes it so appropriate for me to make this post. Bucky was the greatest joy in our life and his departure leaves within us a big void. He was the definition of unconditional love. Bucky, we love you more than you'll ever know and miss you multiple times every day. For the Three Dog Vineyard Cabernet, it has bright, ripe; cherries, dark cherries, strawberries, pomegranate, touch of blackberries, dark dry earth, dry stones, cherry licorice/cola, dry crushed gravely rocks, spice, clove, vanilla, nutmeg, bright red florals and mouth dripping acidity. Bucky...RIP my alpha dog buddy. We miss you so much! We know you are in a better place with strong mind & body which left you here on earth. You're running & playing with all the other dogs. A place where your bowl has endless varieties of meats. Absolute your favorite! Love you buddy! 🐶
I've had some time to think about this post...whether or not to do it. However, when I found this wine at K&L it became clear to me or destiny that I should. Also, given where the winery is located made it all the more perfect. You see, we had to do the humane thing recently with our dog "Bucky." Sadly, when we were out of the country. Now if that seems odd, it was to us too! Bucky was getting old (14). When they get to that age, you just don't know how the progression will go. We went to the vet twice within a month & half prior to our three week trip that was planned long ago. We explained to our vet the circumstances and our wishes to be there for him. Twice, our vet told us it wasn't time. With that information in our mind, we boarded our dog with the vet thinking he would be there when we got back. Well...things don't always go as planned. Three days into our trip we had a message from our vet there was a problem. I can't begin to tell you how crushing it was to get a message of that nature. When we called back, they told us it was time. It's still surreal to me. How could we have tried so hard to make the right decision as a family and have it go that wrong? The only saving grace was we asked Bucky's Stepmom to go and be with him. Cathy took care of Bucky every time we went away for nearly his whole life. Sometimes weeks at a time. She drove to be with him. So, when I saw this wine "Three Dogs Vineyard, it was clear to me to dedicate a post to Bucky. You see we have no children. He was our child and made us a family. Bucky also had three personalities; Bucky the sweetest dog you'll ever want to meet, Bucky with mild criminal instincts and Bucky the total hound. That's why "Three Dog Vineyard" makes it so appropriate for me to make this post. Bucky was the greatest joy in our life and his departure leaves within us a big void. He was the definition of unconditional love. Bucky, we love you more than you'll ever know and miss you multiple times every day. For the Three Dog Vineyard Cabernet, it has bright, ripe; cherries, dark cherries, strawberries, pomegranate, touch of blackberries, dark dry earth, dry stones, cherry licorice/cola, dry crushed gravely rocks, spice, clove, vanilla, nutmeg, bright red florals and mouth dripping acidity. Bucky...RIP my alpha dog buddy. We miss you so much! We know you are in a better place with strong mind & body which left you here on earth. You're running & playing with all the other dogs. A place where your bowl has endless varieties of meats. Absolute your favorite! Love you buddy! 🐶
Jun 3rd, 2017