Textbook (Jonathan & Susan Pey)

Rutherford Merlot

8.03 ratings
9.01 pro ratings
Rutherford, Napa Valley, California, USA
Top Notes For
Andrew Holod

National Sales Grapes of Spain


Best Merlot was never ripped out, so natural selection of best sites.
Fleshy red fruits with balsamic retronasal.
Fine tea like tannin

Best Merlot was never ripped out, so natural selection of best sites.
Fleshy red fruits with balsamic retronasal.
Fine tea like tannin

Sep 22nd, 2022
Jen Ferrara

For me this was a disappointing Merlot. Very bitter tannins took over the palate. I am not getting any fruity or floral notes. I don’t mind tannins at all but there was no smoothness. Jut a long bitter finish. The cork seems fine but I may have a bad bottle I can’t finish my glass.

For me this was a disappointing Merlot. Very bitter tannins took over the palate. I am not getting any fruity or floral notes. I don’t mind tannins at all but there was no smoothness. Jut a long bitter finish. The cork seems fine but I may have a bad bottle I can’t finish my glass.

Mar 3rd, 2023
Amanda Ray

Amanda had this 2 years ago

Amanda had this 2 years ago

Jan 28th, 2023