Swick Wines

Columbia Valley Grenache

9.22 ratings
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Columbia Valley, Oregon/Washington, USA
Chocolate & Caramel, Herbs, Soft Cheese, Salami & Prosciutto, Turkey, Pasta, Mushrooms, Veal, Tomato-Based, Chicken, Exotic Spices, Potato, White Rice, Duck, Nuts & Seeds, Onion, Shallot, Garlic, Asian Cuisine, Salads & Greens, Quinoa, Farro, Brown Rice, Quinoa
Top Notes For
S.S. Mandani

Woah. Love this bouquet. Super fresh, super zingy.

Love the cloudiness in the hue. A bushel of berries, a garden, a sharp and breezy forest.

Blackberries, raspberries, cherries. Tangerines, pomelo. Parsley 🌿

Lovely. Celebrating a big milestone today. Just received news that I’ll have my first print publication for a short story of mine that will be published in pages alongside one of Neil deGrasse Tyson’s short stories as well.

Over the moon 🌙

Woah. Love this bouquet. Super fresh, super zingy.

Love the cloudiness in the hue. A bushel of berries, a garden, a sharp and breezy forest.

Blackberries, raspberries, cherries. Tangerines, pomelo. Parsley 🌿

Lovely. Celebrating a big milestone today. Just received news that I’ll have my first print publication for a short story of mine that will be published in pages alongside one of Neil deGrasse Tyson’s short stories as well.

Over the moon 🌙

May 24th, 2021
Ross Alvord

Ross had this 5 years ago

Ross had this 5 years ago

Jul 12th, 2020