An ALDI wine worth remembering. Acidic and great paired with a Camembert and caramelized onion and pork rinds. Not everyone’s choice, but achieves that acid+fat+salt sweet spot. Huge fan for a $7 wine.
An ALDI wine worth remembering. Acidic and great paired with a Camembert and caramelized onion and pork rinds. Not everyone’s choice, but achieves that acid+fat+salt sweet spot. Huge fan for a $7 wine.
Jun 15th, 2019
A one note sauv blanc. Tropical fruit like most NZ sauv blancs, under ripe passion fruit heavy... fruity and tart. Very sharp finish. I'm a fan of acidic food and acidic wine, so I enjoyed this. Not as much mineral or herb flavor... just fruit and acid
A one note sauv blanc. Tropical fruit like most NZ sauv blancs, under ripe passion fruit heavy... fruity and tart. Very sharp finish. I'm a fan of acidic food and acidic wine, so I enjoyed this. Not as much mineral or herb flavor... just fruit and acid
May 8th, 2019