Dry and tart with blackberries and a little bit of lemon
Dry and tart with blackberries and a little bit of lemon
Sep 3rd, 2017
Apr 2nd, 2017
Shared with a girlfriend at home... so delicious!
Shared with a girlfriend at home... so delicious!
Dec 16th, 2016
Strong initial and lasting flavor due to the blend. Xmas party with grace and Christian and Thien. Too strong but I could get used to it. They call it tart and juicy. Hmm
Strong initial and lasting flavor due to the blend. Xmas party with grace and Christian and Thien. Too strong but I could get used to it. They call it tart and juicy. Hmm
Dec 4th, 2016
A really good everyday red blend
A really good everyday red blend
Dec 2nd, 2016
Not my choice, it is acrid and needs to age a lot. Had a wheat bread taste.
Not my choice, it is acrid and needs to age a lot. Had a wheat bread taste.
Nov 19th, 2016
rojovilla had this 7 years ago
rojovilla had this 7 years ago
Dec 17th, 2017
Laura had this 7 years ago
Laura had this 7 years ago
Sep 24th, 2017
Shanon had this 8 years ago
Shanon had this 8 years ago
May 9th, 2017