Marie Isbell
Very dark purple in color and legs. Tastes of dark sweet fruit, like raisin and prunes with a touch of licorice.
Dale Werle
Very nice Malbec for $. Not much of a finish, but nice nose and smooth
Carmella Johnson
Too strong for me.
Jeffrey Jeansonne
Got much better after it had a chance to aerate.
BJ McCollister
Good, but a very dry wine. Medium body, slight hint of acid. An ok wine, but I'm not crazy about it.
Laura Jean Stargardt
A sweeter Malbec but a dry finish
Joe Kirstein
Joe had this 4 years ago
Travis Harris
Travis had this 10 years ago
Alejandro Lemus
Alejandro had this 10 years ago
Jay Tucker
Jay had this 11 years ago