A cab lover’s merlot. Big wine, strong cab-like tannins. Lots of dark fruit, leather, some spice on the finish. Paired it with a lean steak and it was perfect.
A cab lover’s merlot. Big wine, strong cab-like tannins. Lots of dark fruit, leather, some spice on the finish. Paired it with a lean steak and it was perfect.
Oct 24th, 2017
Truly a great merlot. Blackberry, blueberry, some plum preserves. Some berry liquor hints. Fine tannins. Very little of the typical merlot 'cocoa'. - nice departure.
Truly a great merlot. Blackberry, blueberry, some plum preserves. Some berry liquor hints. Fine tannins. Very little of the typical merlot 'cocoa'. - nice departure.
Nov 8th, 2016