
Noah's Bloc & Jezreel Bloc Prayer Rock Vineyards Viognier

9.03 ratings
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Umpqua Valley, Southern Oregon, Oregon, USA
Top Notes For
Rose’s Cafe

Floral; crisp touch of malic acid. Slightly sweet. 😀

Floral; crisp touch of malic acid. Slightly sweet. 😀

Oct 13th, 2016
Rose’s Cafe

Slight floral aroma; crisp off-dry and a little malic acid.

Slight floral aroma; crisp off-dry and a little malic acid.

May 11th, 2014
Jenny Chin

Banana and tropical flavors on the palate, but not a lot on the finish. Pleasant, light, not very complex

Banana and tropical flavors on the palate, but not a lot on the finish. Pleasant, light, not very complex

Jul 27th, 2015