Kyle Schlachter
Writer Colorado Wine Press
Shallow, hollow, and not worth the $13 I paid... despite the 7 lb bottle or the signature on the metal label.
Michael Armour
Chocolatey on the nose. Very smooth finish. Leathery or something with a little bite in between nose and finish. Slight butteriness.
Very dark in color, handsome even. Somewhat dry with nice tannins... Smooth and hints of spice. Nice.
Steve Fadden
Not bad-- dry and a bit one-dimensional
Rich Friedland
Meh. Didn't help that it was refrigerated ice cold.
Luiggi Rodriguez
Jere Virtanen
Jere had this 7 years ago
CK Ooi
CK had this 9 years ago
Henrik had this 9 years ago
Serge S
Serge had this 9 years ago