
Clamor Blanco

7.72 ratings
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Costers del Segre, Catalunya, Spain
Moscatel, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc
Top Notes For
Jordi Pazo

Rest. Cobadana, Urús (Girona). Copa 2,00.

Rest. Cobadana, Urús (Girona). Copa 2,00.

Aug 19th, 2015
Corina Bianca Gonteanu

Interesting. Not being familiar with albarino, I can't say what it adds, but I like the consistency, and the Sauvignon slight aroma.

Interesting. Not being familiar with albarino, I can't say what it adds, but I like the consistency, and the Sauvignon slight aroma.

Jan 7th, 2016
Ramón García

Ramón had this 9 years ago

Ramón had this 9 years ago

Nov 10th, 2015