Vladimir Miroshnikov
Зеленое яблоко, персиковый компот, чуть петрольно, свежо, чуть развинчено. Хороший образец стиля.
Steve Mills
Drank this over two days - while a bit muted on the first night by the following evening it had developed into a very fine dry Riesling.
Elena Sokolova
Elena had this 10 years ago
Konstantin Eroshenkov
Konstantin had this 11 years ago
Alexander Bezrukov
Alexander had this 6 years ago
Igal Baevsky
Igal had this 6 years ago
Timo Suni
Timo had this 7 years ago
Tommy Luhtala
Tommy had this 10 years ago
VromHäll had this 10 years ago
Jessica Jones
Jessica had this 12 years ago