![Dock Hooks Dock Hooks](https://graph.facebook.com/504287543/picture?type=large)
Others seem to love this wine, but I find it very tart and acidic. That written, it does mellow a bit with some time in the glass. I don't usually decant rosé, but this one is an exception, as it is greatly enhanced with some turbo twirling, breathing, etc. A little tight for my taste, but it nonetheless worked well with this plate of summer vegetables (okra, green beans, and tomatoes) served up in a near perfect setting - Beaufort, NC's Rhum Bar at Stillwater! Check it out!
Others seem to love this wine, but I find it very tart and acidic. That written, it does mellow a bit with some time in the glass. I don't usually decant rosé, but this one is an exception, as it is greatly enhanced with some turbo twirling, breathing, etc. A little tight for my taste, but it nonetheless worked well with this plate of summer vegetables (okra, green beans, and tomatoes) served up in a near perfect setting - Beaufort, NC's Rhum Bar at Stillwater! Check it out!
Jul 28th, 2015