I must like this wine, because I keep buying it; not by the case or anything, but every time I see it for sale, I pick up a bottle. This is a Rhône-style blend; this year, it is Syrah, Petit Sirah, and Grenache. It works very well as a food wine for dishes which are on the cusp of pairing with either a red or a white; cheesy Italian food, salmon, spicy entrees. It is light-bodied and has raspberry and blueberry fruits.
I must like this wine, because I keep buying it; not by the case or anything, but every time I see it for sale, I pick up a bottle. This is a Rhône-style blend; this year, it is Syrah, Petit Sirah, and Grenache. It works very well as a food wine for dishes which are on the cusp of pairing with either a red or a white; cheesy Italian food, salmon, spicy entrees. It is light-bodied and has raspberry and blueberry fruits.
Jan 22nd, 2024