Novelty Hill

Stillwater Creek Vineyard Late Harvest Sémillon

9.16 ratings
9.11 pro ratings
Columbia Valley, Oregon/Washington, USA
Blue Cheese, Fruit Desserts
Top Notes For
Andrew Lampasone

Owner Wine Watch Selections


Apricot and Asian pear with orange blossom and vanilla creme. A fruit cocktail like wine with lovely acidity and balance vanilla creme pie tongue tingly minerality. Excellent creme caramel

Apricot and Asian pear with orange blossom and vanilla creme. A fruit cocktail like wine with lovely acidity and balance vanilla creme pie tongue tingly minerality. Excellent creme caramel

Aug 15th, 2014
Paula Strebig

Nose - acid, rubbing alcohol, chemical (not bad, just unexpected) - lessens as it opens up. Palate - sweet, no acid, a little vanilla w/ light toasted oak reminiscent of bourbon. Medium body w/ lots of legs, light warm yellow color

Nose - acid, rubbing alcohol, chemical (not bad, just unexpected) - lessens as it opens up. Palate - sweet, no acid, a little vanilla w/ light toasted oak reminiscent of bourbon. Medium body w/ lots of legs, light warm yellow color

May 24th, 2015
Howard Selzer

Howard had this 5 years ago

Howard had this 5 years ago

Jul 3rd, 2020
Waddy Gonzalez

Waddy had this 8 years ago

Waddy had this 8 years ago

May 11th, 2017
Jeffrey Shapiro

Jeffrey had this 9 years ago

Jeffrey had this 9 years ago

Feb 20th, 2016
Gonzalo Plaz

Gonzalo had this 11 years ago

Gonzalo had this 11 years ago

Mar 1st, 2014