Белый и черный перец, черные сушеные ягоды. Не сложный, много дуба, чернослив. Очень симпатично, хотя и не очень сложно. 15.5/20 (87/100)
Белый и черный перец, черные сушеные ягоды. Не сложный, много дуба, чернослив. Очень симпатично, хотя и не очень сложно. 15.5/20 (87/100)
Feb 25th, 2014
Non-transparent, looks like unrefined, dark garnet. A bit animal flavor. Fruity with black berry flavor. A bit strong tanning and spicy. Enough impact. After stabled, floral aroma is quite good! @2800, X, 180504
Non-transparent, looks like unrefined, dark garnet. A bit animal flavor. Fruity with black berry flavor. A bit strong tanning and spicy. Enough impact. After stabled, floral aroma is quite good! @2800, X, 180504
May 4th, 2018
2010 - $25
Wow! 7 years old and going strong! Pungent, cheesy funk on the nose which blows off to reveal red berries and a beautiful floral note. Like a baby Nebbiolo! Very fruity, with tons of ripe red berries on the palate! Really balancing well at 7 years!
2010 - $25
Wow! 7 years old and going strong! Pungent, cheesy funk on the nose which blows off to reveal red berries and a beautiful floral note. Like a baby Nebbiolo! Very fruity, with tons of ripe red berries on the palate! Really balancing well at 7 years!
May 12th, 2017