Mahou Cinco Estrellas

Serviceable and fairly fresh given the travel. Easygoing local beers from overseas rarely show well by the time they get here but this was pretty good under the circumstances.
Serviceable and fairly fresh given the travel. Easygoing local beers from overseas rarely show well by the time they get here but this was pretty good under the circumstances.
Apr 2nd, 2018
Pretty good, tastes like a classic lager, not hoppy, light, refreshing
Pretty good, tastes like a classic lager, not hoppy, light, refreshing
Jul 2nd, 2017Spanish tinny take 2. Number 1 choice for that 5am stroll down les ramblas.
"cerveza? Si senor, and some of your finest soap bar too por favor"
Spanish tinny take 2. Number 1 choice for that 5am stroll down les ramblas.
"cerveza? Si senor, and some of your finest soap bar too por favor"
Spanish tinny. Probably not what Hemingway drank for breakfast
Spanish tinny. Probably not what Hemingway drank for breakfast
Apr 16th, 2016Got a strange aftertaste. Bit like cardboard.
Got a strange aftertaste. Bit like cardboard.
Mar 9th, 2015
Good classic golden straw yellow color with light foam. Also typical aromas of barley and fresh hay; no malt. Nice creaminess with good presence of barley flavor, and some fizz. Quite pleasant and refreshing. Simple but well done. 84 pts.
Good classic golden straw yellow color with light foam. Also typical aromas of barley and fresh hay; no malt. Nice creaminess with good presence of barley flavor, and some fizz. Quite pleasant and refreshing. Simple but well done. 84 pts.
Apr 25th, 2014
Medium intensity straw yellow color. Nice barley and mild malt aromas. Quite refreshing with traditional barley flavor. A little seltzery. Quite dry. 82 pts.
Medium intensity straw yellow color. Nice barley and mild malt aromas. Quite refreshing with traditional barley flavor. A little seltzery. Quite dry. 82 pts.
Apr 21st, 2014